Today, I tried the learning platform Let’s Defend.

This is a new formation platform to improve your blue team skills.

After some days of training on the platform, here is my feedback.

Fist of all, the GUI of the platform is realy cool.

The learning pathsor lessons are really interesting, the content is relevant. This is not sufficient in order to work in the domain, but all the basic skills are specified. This is a good entry point. Then you motivation will do next.

The second interesting point is the pratice menu. The goal of the practice is to get into the skin of a DFIR analyst. All steps of the DFIR research are present but this is really high level. In real life, the investigation will be more important, long and we need to go deeper in the evidence research. But it’s a good starting point and it permit to give the method to follow for a real investigation. The positive point is that all the actions can be done directly on the website.

The third point is the challenge part. This is really cool because challenges (what i did) are closer to reality that many other platforms. However it’s important to notice that some questions can be imprecise and for some challenges you must use the VM provided by the platform.

Finally and to conclude, this platform is cool and I recommand this one for beginners mostly. If you want to do hard challenges, you’ll download sample of yourself then do the work on your machine -> not using their VM.

Thanks for reading!