easy_crackme_2 by lord

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easy_crackme_2 by lordUnix/LinuxAssembler1.0

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The first part consists to get informations about the file:

$ file cm1eng
cm1eng: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, stripped

It’s a basic 32 bit linux executable. We can use Cutter to obtain the disassembly of the code:

;-- section..text:
# syscall
0x08048080      mov     eax, 4     ; [00] -r-x section size 118 named .text
0x08048085      mov     ebx, 1
0x0804808a      mov     ecx, str.Password_: ; segment.LOAD1
                                   ; 0x80490f8
0x0804808f      mov     edx, 0xd   ; 13 -> size of the str print on the screen
0x08048094      int     0x80
# End of the syscall -> print "\npassword: "

0x08048096      mov     edx, 0x100 ; 256
0x0804809b      mov     ecx, data.0804911b ; 0x804911b set wining sentence in ecx
0x080480a0      mov     ebx, 0
0x080480a5      mov     eax, 3
0x080480aa      int     0x80
0x080480ac      mov     esi, str.QTBXCTU ; 0x8049126 -> set string QTBXCTU in esi
0x080480b1      mov     edi, esi         ; set value of esi in edi
0x080480b3      xor     ebx, ebx         ; set ebx=0
0x080480b5      cld                      ; clear direction flag

# Loop to create the password ans check the size
0x080480b6      lodsb   al, byte [esi]   ; put each byte of the password in
0x080480b7      xor     al, 0x21   ; 33 -> xor the letter of QTBXCU with 0x21
0x080480b9      stosb   byte es:[edi], al
0x080480ba      inc     ebx
0x080480bb      cmp     ebx, 7     ; 7 -> check the size of user entry = 7
0x080480c1      je      0x80480c5
0x080480c3      loop    0x80480b6
# End of the loop

# Set data and user entry in edi and esi
0x080480c5      mov     esi, data.0804911b ; 0x804911b
0x080480ca      mov     edi, str.QTBXCTU ; 0x8049126
0x080480cf      mov     ecx, 7
0x080480d4      cld                       ; clear direction flag

# Compare str in each register byte by byte
0x080480d5      repe    cmpsb byte [esi], byte ptr es:[edi]
0x080480d7      jne     0x80480ef ; if not equal then jump

# win syscall
0x080480d9      mov     eax, 4
0x080480de      mov     ebx, 1
0x080480e3      mov     ecx, str.Great_you_did_it__: ; 0x8049105
0x080480e8      mov     edx, 0x16  ; 22
0x080480ed      int     0x80

# End program
0x080480ef      mov     eax, 1
0x080480f4      int     0x80

The code is not so long, so we can analyse it.

As we can see we have the flag with the comparison. We can use the basic string QTBXCTU and xor each byte with 0x21. We can use python to find the password:

>>> chr(ord('Q')^0x21) + chr(ord('T')^0x21) + chr(ord('B')^0x21) + chr(ord('X')^0x21) + chr(ord('C')^0x21) + chr(ord('T')^0x21) + chr(ord('U')^0x21)

So, the flag is pucybut.

We can check our result by executing the program:

$ ./cm1eng

Password : pucybut
Great you did it !:)

That’s All Falks