
Challenge description Link to heading


Solution Link to heading

The first part is to get informations about the file:

$ file j333
j333: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, no section header

The second part is to use Ghidra to get assembly of the program:

; print all prog info
08048074 b9 f7 90        MOV        ECX,s_Crackme_333_Josep_080490f7                 = "Crackme 333 Josep\n"
08048079 ba 13 00        MOV        EDX,0x13
0804807e e8 67 00        CALL       FUN_sys_write                                    undefined FUN_sys_write()
; ask the password
08048083 b9 0a 91        MOV        ECX,s_Password:_0804910a                         = "Password: "
08048088 ba 0b 00        MOV        EDX,0xb
0804808d e8 58 00        CALL       FUN_sys_write                                    undefined FUN_sys_write()

;sysread function -> read user entry

08048092 b8 03 00        MOV        EAX,0x3
08048097 bb 01 00        MOV        EBX,0x1
0804809c b9 46 91        MOV        ECX,s_velvet_08049146                            = "velvet"
080480a1 ba 06 00        MOV        EDX,0x6
080480a6 cd 80           INT        0x80


; get password and get user entry then compare
080480a8 56              PUSH       ESI
080480a9 57              PUSH       EDI
080480aa b9 06 00        MOV        ECX,0x6
080480af be 3f 91        MOV        ESI,s_246581_0804913f                            = "246581"
080480b4 bf 46 91        MOV        EDI,s_velvet_08049146                            = "velvet"

080480b9 f3 a6           CMPSB.REPE ES:EDI=>s_velvet_08049146,ESI=>s_246581_0804913f => cmp "velvet" = "246581"

080480bb 74 13           JZ         LAB_080480d0

; bad comparison
080480bd 5f              POP        EDI
080480be 5e              POP        ESI
080480bf b9 21 91        MOV        ECX,s_Bad_password._Try_again!_08049121          = "Bad password. Try again!\n"
080480c4 ba 1a 00        MOV        EDX,0x1a
080480c9 e8 1c 00        CALL       FUN_sys_write                                    undefined FUN_sys_write()
080480ce eb 11           JMP        FUN_sys_exit                                     undefined FUN_sys_exit()

; good comparison

LAB_080480d0                                    XREF[1]:     080480bb(j)
080480d0 5f              POP        EDI
080480d1 5e              POP        ESI
080480d2 b9 15 91        MOV        ECX,s_Well_done!_08049115                        = "Well done!\n"
080480d7 ba 0c 00        MOV        EDX,0xc
080480dc e8 09 00        CALL       FUN_sys_write                                    undefined FUN_sys_write()

*                          FUNCTION                          *
                 undefined FUN_sys_exit()
 undefined         AL:1           <RETURN>
                 FUN_sys_exit                                    XREF[1]:     entry:080480ce(c)
080480e1 b8 01 00        MOV        EAX,0x1
     00 00
080480e6 31 db           XOR        EBX,EBX
080480e8 cd 80           INT        0x80
*                          FUNCTION                          *
                 undefined FUN_sys_write()
 undefined         AL:1           <RETURN>
                 FUN_sys_write                                   XREF[4]:     entry:0804807e(c),
080480ea b8 04 00        MOV        EAX,0x4
     00 00
080480ef bb 01 00        MOV        EBX,0x1
     00 00
080480f4 cd 80           INT        0x80
080480f6 c3              RET

Just above there is the code of the deompiled program.

As we can see Ghidra propose a very good disassembly for this chall. We can see the program check if the password is 246581.

We can check if our analyze is good:

$ ./j333
Crackme 333 Josep
Password: 246581
Well done!

That’s All Falks!